14.7 C
Monday, September 9, 2024

ios – Is there a strategy to observe the content material offset of a scrolling SwiftUI Chart?

Following your method,
I added some enhancements, I added margin on the left and proper facet, permitting a correct choice when scrolling, additionally outlined a scrollPosition which is Int to trace the index chosen of your information.

If you wish to change the worth proven on prime you solely want to change the selectionText operate to return .worth should you want

hope that is what you’re asking for.

enter image description here

import SwiftUI
import Charts

struct SampleModel: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    var date: String
    var worth: Double
    var animate: Bool = false

struct ContentView: View {
    @State non-public var information = [
        SampleModel(date: "26nFr", value: 9.2),
        SampleModel(date: "27nSa", value: 12.5),
        SampleModel(date: "28nSu", value: 15.0),
        SampleModel(date: "29nMo", value: 20.0),
        SampleModel(date: "30nTu", value: 5.0),
        SampleModel(date: "31nWe", value: 7.0),
        SampleModel(date: "01nTh", value: 3.0),
        SampleModel(date: "02nFr", value: 20.0),
        SampleModel(date: "03nSa", value: 5.0),
        SampleModel(date: "04nSu", value: 7.0),
        SampleModel(date: "05nMo", value: 3.0),
        SampleModel(date: "06nTu", value: 10.0),
        SampleModel(date: "07nWe", value: 21.0),
        SampleModel(date: "08nTh", value: 14.0),
        SampleModel(date: "09nFr", value: 10.0),
        SampleModel(date: "10nSt", value: 7.0),
        SampleModel(date: "11nSu", value: 15.0),
        SampleModel(date: "12nMo", value: 17.0),
        SampleModel(date: "13nTu", value: 29.0)
    @State non-public var scrollPosition: Int = 0
    @State var priceText: String? = nil
    @State var selectedIndex: Int = 0

    var physique: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            VStack {
                if let worth = priceText {
                    Textual content(worth)

                    Textual content(selectionText())

                Chart(Array(zip(information.indices, information)), id: .0) { index, flight in
                    BarMark(x: .worth("Index", index),
                            y: .worth("Value", flight.worth), width: .fastened(10))
                            colours: [
                    .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16))
                .body(top: 180)
                .background(content material: {
                    VStack {
                        Coloration.grey.body(width: 1)
                        Coloration.clear.body(top: 40)
                .chartXAxis(content material: {
                    AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, place: .backside, values: .stride(by: 1)) { worth in
                        let label = information[value.index].date
                .chartXVisibleDomain(size: 10)
                    .valueAligned(unit: 1)
                .chartScrollPosition(x: $scrollPosition)
                .contentMargins(Edge.Set(arrayLiteral: [.leading, .trailing]), geometry.measurement.width/2)

    non-public func selectionText() -> String {
        guard scrollPosition >= .zero else {
            return information[.zero].date

        guard scrollPosition < information.rely else {
            return information[data.count - 1].date

        return information[scrollPosition].date

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