19.3 C
Monday, September 2, 2024

ios – Unable to retrieve paperwork from Firestone when including .whereField

I’ve added the Gemini ChatBot extension to a Firebase mission.

Pattern: https://medium.com/google-cloud/build-a-chatbot-on-ios-with-the-firebase-gemini-api-extension-in-swift-swiftui-a-step-by-step-64657205ca80

I’ve added the profile!.uid to the doc through ship message perform in order that I can solely retrieve the customers ChatDocuments.

func sendMessage(_ message: String) {
    guard let profileId = profile?.uid else {
        print("Profile ID not discovered")
    let knowledge: [String: Any] = [
        "prompt": message,
        "userID": profileId,
    db.assortment(collectionPath).addDocument(knowledge: knowledge) { error in
        if let error = error {
            print("Error including doc: (error)")
        } else {
            print("Doc added for userID: (profileId)")

At this level, the app efficiently provides a doc to the FireStore and the extension provides a response.

The response is the present within the UI utilizing the next perform.

func fetchMessages() {
    print("Fetch messages referred to as for userID: (profile!.uid)")
        .whereField("userID", isEqualTo: profile!.uid)
        .order(by: "createTime", descending: false)
        .addSnapshotListener { [weak self] querySnapshot, error in
            guard let self else { return }
            guard let paperwork = querySnapshot?.paperwork else {
                print("No paperwork discovered")
            self.messages = paperwork.compactMap { queryDocumentSnapshot -> [ChatMessage]? in
                do {
                    let doc = attempt queryDocumentSnapshot.knowledge(as: ChatDocument.self)
                    let immediate = ChatMessage(textual content: doc.immediate, isUser: true, state: .COMPLETED)
                    let response = ChatMessage(textual content: doc.response ?? "", isUser: false, state: doc.standing.chatState)
                    print("RESPONSE FROM DOCUMENTS")
                    print("fetched (response)")
                    return [prompt, response]
                } catch {
                    return nil
            }.flatMap { $0 }

Nonetheless when including the next line, the paperwork usually are not fetched.

.whereField("userID", isEqualTo: profile!.uid)

Chat Doc

struct ChatDocument: Codable {
    let createTime: Timestamp
    let immediate: String
    let response: String?
    let standing: Standing
    let userID: String

    struct Standing: Codable {
        let startTime: Timestamp?
        let completeTime: Timestamp?
        let updateTime: Timestamp
        let state: String
        let error: String?
        var chatState: ChatState {
            return ChatState(rawValue: state) ?? .PROCESSING

struct ChatMessage: Hashable {
    @ServerTimestamp var createdTime: Timestamp?
    @DocumentID var uid: String?
    personal(set) var id: UUID = .init()
    var textual content: String?
    var isUser: Bool
    var state: ChatState = .PROCESSING
    var message: String {
        swap state {
        case .COMPLETED:
            return textual content ?? ""
        case .ERROR:
            return "One thing went incorrect. Please attempt once more."
        case .PROCESSING:
            return "..."

enum ChatState: String, Codable {
    case COMPLETED
    case ERROR


enter image description here

Curiously the next removes all paperwork for the profile.uid and makes use of the identical .whereField("userID", isEqualTo: profile!.uid)

func removeAllMessages() async {
    do {
        let querySnapshot = attempt await db.assortment(collectionPath)
            .whereField("userID", isEqualTo: profile!.uid)
        for doc in querySnapshot.paperwork {
            do {
                attempt await db.assortment(collectionPath).doc(doc.documentID).delete()
                print("Doc with ID (doc.documentID) efficiently eliminated!")
            } catch {
                print("Error eradicating doc with ID (doc.documentID): (error)")
    } catch {
        print("Error querying paperwork for profileId (profile!.uid): (error)")

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