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Friday, September 20, 2024

ios – Swift: Hassle Shuffling Solutions in a Trivia/Quiz App

Hey guys please assist me as I am a newbie in SwiftUI and programming total. That is my first time creating a trivia app. I am encountering a difficulty with shuffled solutions for trivia questions. I am attempting to create a operate that accommodates all of the solutions, together with the right one, and shuffles them randomly however I actually have no idea how to do that. Please assist me, any little assistance is appreciated loads.

That is my code for TriviaAPIData:

import Basis

struct QuestionResponse: Decodable {
   var outcomes: [Question]

struct Reply: Identifiable {
   var id = UUID()
   var textual content: String
   var isCorrect: Bool
       struct Query: Decodable {
           var class: String
           var query: String
           var correctAnswer: String
           var incorrectAnswers: [String]

That is my code for TriviaAPI:

import Basis
import SwiftUI

class TriviaAPI: ObservableObject {
    struct TriviaAnswer {
        let textual content: String
        let isCorrect: Bool
   @Printed var QnAData: [Question] = [] 
    func getQnAData(selectedCategoryNumber: Int, selectedDifficultyInPopup: String) async throws {
        let endpoint = "https://opentdb.com/api.php?quantity=10&class=(selectedCategoryNumber)&problem=(selectedDifficultyInPopup)&kind=a number of&encode=url3986"
        guard let url = URL(string: endpoint) else {throw APIErrors.invalidURL}
        var request = URLRequest(url: url)
        request.httpMethod = "GET"
        request.setValue("utility/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content material-Sort")
        let (knowledge, response) = strive await URLSession.shared.knowledge(for: request)
        guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 200 else {
            throw APIErrors.invalidResponse
        do {
            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
            let questionResponse = strive decoder.decode(QuestionResponse.self, from: knowledge)
            DispatchQueue.principal.sync {
                self.QnAData = questionResponse.outcomes
        } catch {
            throw APIErrors.invalidData

Right here is my code for QuizGameScreen:

import Basis
import SwiftUI

struct QuizGameScreen: View {
    @StateObject var api = TriviaAPI()
    @Binding var selectedCategoryNumber: Int
    @Binding var selectedCategoryName: String
    @State var currentQuestionIndex = 0
    @Binding var selectedDifficultyInPopup: String
    func shuffleAnswers() {
        var correctAnswers = [api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].correctAnswer]
        var incorrectAnswers = api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].incorrectAnswers
        let allAnswers = correctAnswers + incorrectAnswers
        var shuffeldQuestions = allAnswers.shuffled()
    var physique: some View {
                .body(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight:.infinity)
            VStack(alignment: .main){
                Textual content("QuizUp")
                    .font(.system(measurement: 36, design:
                    .offset(x: -100, y: -350)
            Textual content("1 out of 0")
                .font(.system(measurement: 23, design:
                .offset(x: 100, y: -300)
                if !api.QnAData.isEmpty {
                    if currentQuestionIndex < api.QnAData.depend { // Verify if the present query index is inside bounds
                        if let decodedQuestion = api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].query.removingPercentEncoding {
                            Textual content(decodedQuestion)
                                .font(.system(measurement: 23, design: .rounded)).fontWeight(.daring)
                                .offset(y: -100)
                        } else {
                            Textual content("Did not decode query")
                                .font(.system(measurement: 23, design: .rounded)).fontWeight(.daring)
                                .offset(y: -100)

                        ForEach(0..<api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].incorrectAnswers.depend, id: .self) { index in
                            if index < api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].incorrectAnswers.depend { // Verify if the index is inside bounds
                                if let decodedAnswer = api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].incorrectAnswers[index].removingPercentEncoding {
                                    Button(motion: {
                                        print("incorrect reply")
                                    }) {
                                        Textual content(decodedAnswer)
                                            .font(.system(measurement: 20, design: .rounded))
                                            .body(width: 300, alignment: .main)
                     if currentQuestionIndex < api.QnAData.depend { 
                            if let decodedCorrectAnswer = api.QnAData[currentQuestionIndex].correctAnswer.removingPercentEncoding {
                                Button(motion: {
                                    print("appropriate reply")
                                }) {
                                    Textual content(decodedCorrectAnswer)
                                        .font(.system(measurement: 20, design: .rounded))
                                        .body(width: 300, alignment: .main)
                } else {
                    Textual content("Loading...")
                        .font(.system(measurement: 23, design: .rounded)).fontWeight(.daring)
                        .offset(y: -100)
        }.job {
            do {
                strive await api.getQnAData(selectedCategoryNumber: selectedCategoryNumber, selectedDifficultyInPopup: selectedDifficultyInPopup)
                shuffleAnswers() // calling on my operate
            } catch APIErrors.invalidData {
                print("Invalid Knowledge")
            } catch APIErrors.invalidURL {
                print("Invalid Url")
            } catch APIErrors.invalidResponse {
                print("Invalid Response")
            } catch {
                print("Common error")
struct QuizGameScreen_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        QuizGameScreen(selectedCategoryNumber: .fixed(21), selectedCategoryName: .fixed("Sport"), selectedDifficultyInPopup: .fixed("Simple"))
enum APIErrors: Error {
    case invalidURL
    case invalidResponse
    case invalidData

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