9.1 C
Monday, October 14, 2024

ios – AVAudioRecorder.averagePower returns unhealthy values on Simulator

I’m utilizing AVAudioRecorder and utilizing its metering characteristic: AVAudioRecorder.averagePower(forChannel:)

In a simulator operating IOS 17.0.1, when a loud sound happens, the worth returned by this perform will be increased than zero, although the documentation states that the worth must be between 0 and -160. This drawback doesn’t appear to occur on an actual system, however sadly this doesn’t reassure me fully as a result of I solely have one actual system to check with, and when testing with it, there may be not likely a technique to confirm that I’m making a sound higher than which no different sound exists. Ya know?

Right here is a few code you possibly can confirm this with (problematic elements are marked “debug”):

/// Information audio to a temp file
/// and returns it as an in-memory AVAudioPCMBuffer on cease().

/// Whereas recording, three issues are revealed: degree, peak degree, and % of [peak hold time] remaining

enum AudioExtractionError: Error {
    case fileNotFound
    case bufferCreationFailed
    case fileReadError(Error)
    case unknown(Error)

@Observable // <---- take away this if testing with UIKit
class MemoRecorder {
    non-public var randomPrefixForTempFile:String = UUID().uuidString
    non-public var audioRecorder: AVAudioRecorder?
    non-public var isRecording: Bool = false
    non-public var meteringTimer: Timer?
    non-public let METERING_TIMER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS:Double = 1.0/60.0
    non-public let PEAK_HOLD_DURATION_SECONDS:Float = 1
    var currentRecLevel:Float = 0 // from 0 to 1
    var peakRecLevel:Float = 0 // from 0 to 1
    var peakHoldTimeRemaining:Float = 0 // from 1 to 0 : % of peak maintain time remaining

    static var shared = MemoRecorder()
    non-public init() {
    // caller should have already got permission
    func startRecordingWithPermission() {
        if (isRecording) {fatalError ("dsfsdfs 9345843534")}

        isRecording = true

        randomPrefixForTempFile = UUID().uuidString
        let audioFilename = H.getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("recording-(randomPrefixForTempFile).wav")
        do {
            audioRecorder = strive AVAudioRecorder(url: audioFilename, format:AT.vanillaFormat)
        } catch {
        guard let audioRecorder = audioRecorder else {fatalError("sdfsdf")}
        audioRecorder.isMeteringEnabled = true
        currentRecLevel = 0
        peakRecLevel = 0
        peakHoldTimeRemaining = 0

    // Referred to as when we have to cease recording however the caller doesn't need/want the buffer
    func stopRecordingAndDiscard() {
        if (isRecording) {
            isRecording = false
    func stopRecordingAndReturnBuffer() -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
        if (!isRecording) {fatalError("stopped recording when not recording")}
        audioRecorder = nil
        var end result:AVAudioPCMBuffer?
        do {
            end result = strive extractBufferFromFile()
        } catch {
        isRecording = false
        return end result!
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNAL
    non-public func extractBufferFromFile() throws -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
        let recordedFile = H.getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("recording-(randomPrefixForTempFile).wav")
        guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: recordedFile.path) else {
            throw AudioExtractionError.fileNotFound

        do {
            let avAudioFile = strive AVAudioFile(forReading: recordedFile)
            // Examine if buffer creation is feasible
            guard let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: AT.vanillaFormat, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(avAudioFile.size)) else {
                throw AudioExtractionError.bufferCreationFailed
            // Try and learn the file into the buffer
            do {
                strive avAudioFile.learn(into: buffer)
            } catch {
                // Particular error for file learn failure
                throw AudioExtractionError.fileReadError(error)
            // Return the stuffed buffer
            return buffer
        } catch {
            // Catch some other errors that weren't anticipated
            throw AudioExtractionError.unknown(error)
    // --------------- METERING TIMER
    non-public func startMeteringTimer() {
        meteringTimer?.invalidate()  // Invalidate any current timer
        meteringTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: METERING_TIMER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS, repeats: true) { _ in

    non-public func callThisFunctionWithTheTimer() {
        guard let audioRecorder = audioRecorder else { return }

        let averagePower = audioRecorder.averagePower(forChannel: 0)
        // debug
        if (averagePower > 0 || averagePower < -160) {
            print("out of bounds: (averagePower)")
        let newValue = convertDecibelsToLinear(audioRecorder.averagePower(forChannel: 0))
        currentRecLevel = newValue
        // debug
        if (currentRecLevel > 1) {
            print("overage: (currentRecLevel)")

        if newValue > peakRecLevel {
            peakRecLevel = newValue
            peakHoldTimeRemaining = PEAK_HOLD_DURATION_SECONDS
        } else if peakHoldTimeRemaining > 0 {
            peakHoldTimeRemaining -= Float(METERING_TIMER_RESOLUTION_SECONDS)
        } else {
            peakRecLevel = 0 // Reset peak worth when maintain time has elapsed
    non-public func convertDecibelsToLinear(_ decibels: Float) -> Float {
        let clampedDecibels = max(decibels, -160.0) // Clamp the minimal decibel worth
        return pow(10.0, clampedDecibels / 20.0) // Convert to linear scale


Why is that this taking place? Is that this a identified situation that solely results the simulator for some purpose? Can I assume it wont occur on any actual system?

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