I’m attempting to add a put up with simply textwords however my code solely uploads the put up that has a picture hooked up to it and the put up with simply phrases do not present up in firebase
How do I repair this code to permit my person add their put up with out photographs to firebase
That is the uploadPostViewModel I’ve the textual content as a string however but the information shouldn’t be being uploaded as if it not listed however the picture is what am I lacking from this code that is not permitting my textual content knowledge to be uploaded to firebase
class UploadPostViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Printed var didUploadPost = false
@Printed var error: Error?
@Printed var profileImage: Picture?
@Printed var caption = ""
@Printed var textual content = ""
@Printed var selectedImage: PhotosPickerItem? {
didSet { Process { await loadImage(fromItem: selectedImage) } }
non-public var uiImage: UIImage?
func uploadPost() async throws {
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
guard let picture = uiImage else { return }
do {
guard let picture = attempt await ImageUploader.uploadImage(picture: picture, kind: .put up) else { return }
let put up = Submit(ownerUid: uid,textual content: textual content, caption: caption, likes: 0, replyCount: 67, picture: picture, timestamp: Timestamp())
attempt await PostService.uploadPost(put up)
self.didUploadPost = true
} catch {
print("DEBUG: Did not add picture with error (error.localizedDescription)")
self.error = error
func loadImage(fromItem merchandise: PhotosPickerItem?) async {
guard let merchandise = merchandise else { return }
guard let knowledge = attempt? await merchandise.loadTransferable(kind: Knowledge.self) else { return }
guard let uiImage = UIImage(knowledge: knowledge) else { return }
self.uiImage = uiImage
self.profileImage = Picture(uiImage: uiImage)
@State var captionText = ""
@StateObject var viewModel = UploadPostViewModel()
@Surroundings(.dismiss) var dismiss
@Binding var tabIndex: Int
non-public var person: Userss? {
return ThirdUserService.shared.currentUser
var physique: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack {
HStack(alignment: .prime) {
RectangularImageSize(person: person, measurement: .small)
VStack(alignment: .main, spacing: 4) {
Textual content(person?.username ?? "")
TextField("Kind One thing", textual content: $viewModel.textual content, axis: .vertical)
if !viewModel.textual content.isEmpty {
Button {
viewModel.textual content = ""
} label: {
Picture(systemName: "xmark")
.body(width: 12, top: 12)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
Button("Cancel") {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button("Submit") {
Process {
attempt await viewModel.uploadPost()
.opacity(viewModel.textual content.isEmpty ? 0.5 : 1.0)
.disabled(viewModel.textual content.isEmpty)
.onDisappear { tabIndex = 0 }