I’ve outlined a periodic plist which runs a bash script. The plist is positioned within the native library and script can be place in /usr/native/bin
. It efficiently run the script on the outlined interval however it errored about not having sufficient permission to run the discover command. Discover command is used within the script and working script with out plist works as anticipated.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
"$HOME/Downloads/Telegram Desktop"
"$HOME/Downloads/motion pictures"
for folder in "${stable_folders[@]}"; do
mkdir -p "$folder" || true
whereas learn -r folder; do
# shellcheck disable=2076
if [[ ! " ${stable_folders[*]} " =~ " ${folder} " ]]; then
echo "eradicating $folder..."
rm -rf "$folder"
achieved < <(discover "$HOME/Downloads" -maxdepth 1 -mtime +12h)
whereas learn -r file; do
echo "eradicating $file..."
# shellcheck disable=2076
rm -rf "$file"
achieved < <(discover "$HOME/Downloads/Telegram Desktop" -mindepth 1 -mtime +15m)
<?xml model="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist model="1.0">
and these are the errors:
discover: /Customers/parham/Downloads: Operation not permitted
eradicating /Customers/parham/Downloads...
rm: /Customers/parham/Downloads: Operation not permitted
discover: /Customers/parham/Downloads/Telegram Desktop: Operation not permitted
discover: /Customers/parham/Downloads: Operation not permitted